Songkran Festival, the Thai New Year

Songkran is a traditional Thai New Year that starts on April 13 annually. It is also called the “Water Festival” because people believe that water will wash away bad luck and make people fresh. On this day, we sprinkle small drops of water to bless monks and elders. Their hands are sprinkled with perfumed water. … Read more

The Teuila Festival in Western Samoa

In Western Samoa, there’s a big festival called The Teuila Festival. It is one of the biggest events in the country, and it goes on for two weeks. During the festival you can see a lot of different colors of costumes from each different group. Lots of entertainment happens during this festival. The most exciting … Read more

Los Diablos de Yare: The Devils of Yare

In Venezuela, we have many festivals in various places several times a year. One party is called the Devils of Yare, and it is famous for its music that uses only drums, its traditional dance and red clothing, multicolor masks, and colorful jewelry. This festival is also famous for beautiful costumes and dancing in the street. … Read more

New Zealand Celebration: Waitangi Day

Waitangi Day is celebrated on the 6th of February every year. It is a public holiday for the entire nation. It is celebrated as a commemoration of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. The Treaty of Waitangi was a document signed between the English settlers and indigenous Maori people. When the treaty was signed … Read more

Setsubun: Bean Throwing Festival Chiemi Burgess from Japan

At the beginning of February every year, we celebrate the “Bean Throwing Festival” at temples in Japan. Selected men and women throw beans from the stage at the temple to the crowds wishing to drive the evil spirit away and bring the good luck that year. Those men and women are called “Toshi-otoko” and “Toshi-onna” … Read more

Chung Yueng Festival Tse-kin (Pantium) Wong

In Hong Kong there is a holiday called the Chung Yueng Festival. It is celebrated on September 9th of the Lunar calendar. The story of this holiday was about a family. On that day, a family went to a hill to do something. When they came back home, they found all their animals had died. … Read more