Songkran Festival, the Thai New Year

Songkran is a traditional Thai New Year that starts on April 13 annually. It is also called the “Water Festival” because people believe that water will wash away bad luck and make people fresh.

On this day, we sprinkle small drops of water to bless monks and elders. Their hands are sprinkled with perfumed water. In addition, this festival is for rain because it is the hottest season.


Nowadays, during the Songkran Festival, people always wet down everybody who walks past their houses or walks down the street with cups or buckets of water, squirt guns, hoses and anything else.

Everyone gets wet, but it is all in a spirit of friendliness, blessing and fun. People who get wet actually do not get angry because they know that it is traditional.

People will go to the temples to bathe Buddha images and give special food to the monks. People will do good things such as freeing fish or birds and other animals from their cages.


On this day, everywhere in Thailand, people celebrate and enjoy the festival, especially in Chieng Mai which is in the Northern part of Thailand. The Water Festival gives us freshness, happiness and fun because the weather is very hot. Everybody also enjoys public events such as beauty contests, parades, and marching bands.