Students write about an imaginary cheating incident. Note the special idioms and expressions they used to describe this situation.
Keep Your Eyes on Your Own Paper!
Seong Ah Kim from Korea and Seung-Hye Lee from Korea

On the test day, a student who hadn’t prepared for the final exams copied from the classmate sitting next to her who was the smartest student in the class.
On the test day, a student who hadn’t prepared for the final exams copied from the classmate sitting next to her who was the smartest student in the class. After finishing the test, she was very satisfied with her paper.
A few days later the teacher called her to the teacher’s room. The teacher said, “Hmm, you got the highest score on this test. I was impressed with your result because I didn’t think you were such a hard-working student.” The student said, “Yes, I am.”
The teacher replied, “However you made an unfortunate mistake. You know what it was? You also copied your classmate’s name. I told you to keep your eyes on your own paper! So the poor students had to take the test again in a classroom without any classmates.