Jennifer Risso from Venezuela tells us about a favorite Venezuelan food made of corn flour.
Arepas are the most typical food in Venezuela. It is an easy food that you can make in only a few minutes. Arepas are made of corn flour. They are like bread in other countries. You can eat them anytime, everywhere and with whatever you want.
In the past, the arepas were made of corn. To make one single arepa was a lot of work because the people had to wait until the corn was very dry, they they hit the corn, and finally they cooked the corn and made the arepa. It was a lot of work, but the people did it.

Now it is easy to make arepas. We only have to pour the corn flour with some water and salt, mix it together, and then make the form of the arepa with your hands and cook it. This process takes only 10 to 15 minutes. For that reason, the arepa in Venezuela has become the most popular and traditional food. Also, it is a staple because arepas can be eaten with all Venezuelan dishes.
You can find arepas in small restaurants called areperas. If you go to Venezuela, don’t miss the opportunity to go to one. They are places where you can eat only arepas, with whatever you want—cheese, jam, meat, chicken, pork, eggs, etc.

The most famous arepa in an arepera is La Reina Pepiada, an arepa made with chopped meat, avocado and cheese. It is the most traditional arepa.
It is the fashion among young people to go to an areperas after they leave a disco. If you go to an arepera at 2 a.m. on weekends, you will see a lot of well-dressed young people eating arepas.