Podcast Booking Agents: What are They & Do You Need One?

Podcasting is one of the latest trends to take over the internet, with millions of listeners tuning into podcasts every day. If you’re not part of this growing community, you may be wondering what all the hype is about. If you’re curious about podcasting but don’t know where to start, a podcast booker might be … Read more

Saudi Arabian Traditional Dress

In Saudi Arabia, as in all countries, climate, usefulness, and custom influence dress. Men and boys wear the thawb, an ankle length piece of clothing which is long and fits loosely. Athough the thawb covers almost the entire body, it allows air to circulate freely. This piece of clothing was traditionally made of cotton, but it is also … Read more

What If Children Ruled the World?

International students used their imagination to answer this question. Children need to know how to get along with others before owning the world. I can imagine this from the movie “The Planet of the Apes.” In the very beginning it would be great. After that, if children faced trouble, they would learn from history. In … Read more

Nikujaga, A Special Dish from Japan

When I think about Nikujaga, I remember my home, and I start to think seriously about going back to Japan. This dish is not served in restaurants in Japan. Mothers usually cook it, and each family has its own version. Sometimes, even the ingredients are different in each family, so it makes me think about my … Read more

What Constitutes a Family?

Literally, family is defined in Random House Webster’s Dictionary as parents and their children considered as a group. It is a group in which persons are together under the same identity. Family often stands on top of social hierarchies with its strong power uniting all the members. That means it is something more than the … Read more

Why Do People Like to Take Risks?

Why are people risk-takers? What makes a person take high risks and do dangerous, even life-threatening things? Some people love speed and the thrill of racing; other people are into extreme sports such as ice climbing, and bungee jumping. International students share their views on why people would risk their lives to do these things. … Read more

Influence of English on Venezuelan Spoken Spanish

It is incredible how popular English is in Venezuela. Now we have a kind of hybrid language between English and Spanish. In the Venezuelans’ daily conversations, they often use English words with Spanish verb endings. For example, if they send a fax, they use the word faxear, or if they have to click on the screen … Read more